Council Members
Council members are like a board of directors. They set goals for the Council and help guide the work we do. Our goals are based on what Council members think are the most important issues needing our attention. Council members bring different experiences, skills, and ideas that help us make progress on our goals.
Council members include:
- People with developmental disabilities
- Family members of people with developmental disabilities
- State agencies
- Community organizations
- Disability Rights Maryland
- Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Most of the Council’s members are people with developmental disabilities and family members.
Dee Sapp, Chairperson
Charles County
Meghan Jones, Vice Chairperson
Montgomery County
Kevin Armstrong
Maryland Works
Angie Auldridge
Washington County
Richard Bauernschub
Howard County
Jody Boone
Division of Rehabilitation Services, Maryland State Department of Education
Damon Briggs
Montgomery County
Carmen Brown
Maryland State Department of Education
Kalani Brown
Montgomery County
Meeka Caldwell
Prince George’s County
Lucy Caltagirone
Disability Rights Maryland
Laura-Sun Cefaratti
Anne Arundel County
L. Paloma Chavez
Office of Health Services, Maryland Department of Health
Amanda Distefano
Maryland Department of Aging
Staci Forrest
Baltimore County
Kay Han
Montgomery County
Kathy Hargett
Montgomery County
Marlana Hutchinson
Developmental Disabilities Administration, Maryland Department
of Health
Jarred Jones
Baltimore County
Karenna Jones
Wicomico County
Tiffany Joseph
Montgomery County
Theresa Kuhns
Calvert County
Kimberly McKay
(representing Secretary Carol Beatty) Maryland Department of Disabilities
Sohail Qarni
Prevention and Health Promotion Administration, Maryland Department of Health
Justin Stocker
Anne Arundel County
Katelyn Szymanski
Itineris Baltimore
Maureen Van Stone
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
Marcus Whitman
Anne Arundel County