What is COVID?
COVID is a new illness spread around the world. Because it affects so many people in so many countries, it is considered a pandemic. It is nicknamed Coronavirus.
In response to the pandemic, pharmaceutical companies, or companies that make medicine, studied the virus and created a vaccine to help protect us from getting sick.
The Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center put together an easy read document to help explain the vaccine. You can download it by clicking the link below.
Plain Language COVID-19 Vaccine Information
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created a social story to help people with developmental disabilities and others understand how to get the COVID-19 shot.
Download the social story by clicking the button below.
CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Social Story
Maryland COVID Vaccine Information
Vaccine distribution plans should prioritize people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, who are vulnerable to the disease, and direct support professionals. This includes the equitable distribution of the vaccine.
Learn more about Maryland’s plan for vaccine distribution:
Maryland COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs
What are the vaccine priority groups? How will I know when it is my turn to get the vaccine? Learn more by clicking the image below:

On January 14, 2021 Bryan Mroz, Assistant Secretary (Act.), Maryland Department of Health, issued a bulletin to help providers understand the vaccine phases, and who can receive them during each phase. Read the memo by clicking the button below.
1/14/2021 MDH Bulletin COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Updates
The Council, with the Arc Maryland, People on the Go of Maryland, Maryland Association of Community Services, and Disability Rights Maryland, sent a letter to the Maryland Department of Health about the Maryland COVID-19 Vaccination Plan. The DD Coalition strongly recommends prioritizing people with developmental disabilities and direct support professionals in the initial phase of vaccine distribution.
Read the letter by clicking the button below.