DD Day at the Legislature

Every year the Council co-sponsors Developmental Disabilities Day at the Legislature. We do this with the Developmental Disabilities Coalition. Hundreds of people with developmental disabilities, family members, advocates, and service providers come together in Annapolis.


Legislators, state leaders, and other advocates will provide information about issues that are important to people with developmental disabilities and their families. This is a great way to learn more about the legislative process and how to advocate about the issues important to you.


This year’s DD Day at the Legislature will take place on Thursday, February 13 from 8 am to 11 am at The Graduate Annapolis Hotel. DD Day will include Spanish translation, ASL interpretation, and CART captioning.


Registration for the in-person event is closed, but you can still watch the livestream here. A recording will be posted on The Arc Maryland’s YouTube page on Friday.


The DD Day agenda and fact sheets about important issues are available below in English and Spanish.


DD Day Materials



DD Day Agenda

Budget Fact Sheet

Voting Fact Sheet

Children and Families Fact Sheet

Adults with Disabilities Fact Sheet




Recortes Presupuestarios Propuestos

El Derecho del Voto

Apoyar a Los Niños con Discapacidades

Problemas que Afectan a los Adultos con Discapacidades