The Maryland Developmental Disabilities recently voted to raise the small grant total award amount from $2,500 to $5,000 per grant. While not all small grants require this amount of funding, this move is an effort to increase the number of viable and strategic grant requests that the Council receives and to expand the Council’s reach. Executive Committee member Amanda Lay comments, “It is a wonderful opportunity for the Council to establish relationships with some individuals and organizations that we have not yet partnered with.”
This decision, put forward by the Executive Committee, will be implemented as a pilot program for a year. We will review the effectiveness of the change midyear at our June meeting.
Three ideas that are central to the Council’s work–empowerment, opportunity, and inclusion–are reflected in the Council’s small grants. The Council awards small grants for activities that further inclusion. For information about what the Council does and does not fund, and for information about applying for a small grant, see the Small Grants Policy and Small Grants Application. Look for updates about small grant recipients and their work on our social media pages.